Communication in a Remote Team – Online Workshop

  • Building an Atmosphere of Collaboration and Trust
  • Expanding knowledge about the factors that influence teamwork
  • Developing best practices based on shared experience
  • Improving a key element in cooperation – communication
  • Team integration

Online team workshop

We propose a workshop based on a game/logical puzzle that requires precise communication, as well as organizing the way data is passed between each other under time pressure. The game is designed to sharpen communication challenges in online work mode. To increase participant engagement, the entire activity is maintained in a playful and light-hearted manner.

From this experience, participants draw conclusions, which are then transformed into their own set of best practices for effective communication in their own team during a session moderated by the trainer.

We assume that participants are the best experts in what serves them and what blocks them in communication. Our task is to help them formulate a method that will be understandable and ready for implementation by the team.

The situations that may be challenging in the game serve as a starting point for discussing elements of effective communication based on empathy, such as using „I” statements, refraining from judgments, focusing on facts, giving and receiving feedback, or paraphrasing.

The entire experience concludes with a re-entry into roles in scenes reminiscent of the game or taken from the work environment, where participants can experience the quality of communication using reinforcing communication and selected principles firsthand. An important part of the meeting will be the repeated work in pairs, sharing their impressions of the practiced elements of empathetic communication.

We believe that the key to the communication workshop is the mutual building of trust among its participants, so the entire workshop will begin with a series of exercises allowing participants to better understand each other from different perspectives.

If you want to learn more about these or other scenarios, let us know – we’ll prepare an offer.

Time duration

up to 3 hours

Number of participants

6 to 20 people

How does it work?

Understanding the deeper needs of the organization
Adapting the approach to a specific situation
Setting the direction of the strategy

Specifying needs

Defining clear goals and priorities
Precise matching of tools and methods
Charting the path towards success


Clear materials for practical activities
Expert support during the implementation phase
Ready action plans for the future

Take advantage of the offer and find out how we can increase your team’s effectiveness through team building.

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